l_doc VARCHAR2(2000);
l_domdoc dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument;
l_nodelist dbms_xmldom.DOMNodeList;
l_node dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
l_value VARCHAR2(30);
l_a_ns VARCHAR2(30);
l_both_ns VARCHAR2(60);
l_xmltype XMLTYPE;
l_empx XMLTYPE;
l_index PLS_INTEGER;
l_col_ind PLS_INTEGER;
l_doc := '<employees xmlns="" xmlns:b="">
l_a_ns := 'xmlns:a=""'; -- assign random prefix to namespace
-- assigning a different prefix to this namespace
l_both_ns := l_a_ns || ' xmlns:c=""'; -- separated by a space
l_xmltype := XMLTYPE(l_doc);
-- Method 4
dbms_output.put_line('Method 4');
l_value := l_xmltype.extract('/employees/emp[2]/name/text()', 'xmlns=""').getStringVal();
dbms_output.put_line('Emp Name: '||l_value);
-- Method 5
dbms_output.put_line('Method 5');
l_index := 1;
WHILE l_xmltype.Existsnode('/a:employees/a:emp[' || To_Char(l_index) || ']', l_a_ns) > 0
l_empx := l_xmltype.extract('/a:employees/a:emp[' || To_Char(l_index) || ']', l_a_ns);
l_col_ind := 1;
WHILE l_empx.Existsnode('/a:emp/c:favorites/c:color[' || To_Char(l_col_ind) || ']', l_both_ns) > 0
l_value := l_empx.extract('/a:emp/c:favorites/c:color[' || To_Char(l_col_ind) || ']/text()', l_both_ns).getStringVal();
dbms_output.put_line('Color: '||l_value);
l_col_ind := l_col_ind + 1;
l_index := l_index + 1;
In the XML, we have a default namespace of "" for the elements and the previous "" namespace. In the code, I randomly picked a prefix of "a" for the default namespace and so anytime an element in the default namespace is referenced, the corresponding prefix is used.
As Method 4 shows, you could just provide the default namespace as is for the third parm and then there is no need to include a prefix in the XPath itself. I prefer to go the route of method 5 as I have encountered XML where the "default" namespace has changed several nodes deep in the XML. Since the default changes, you need to specify a namespace prefix to keep things in order with the namespace each node resides in.