Per Subprogram Parameter Modes and Subprogram Parameter Aliasing with Parameters Passed by Reference it should, but why not test it to be sure. So I setup a simple test on 11.1 to verify it
Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release SQL> set serverout on SQL> DECLARE 2 g_xmltype XMLTYPE; 3 4 FUNCTION return_col_value(i_xml IN XMLTYPE) 5 RETURN VARCHAR2 6 IS 7 l_value VARCHAR2(10); 8 BEGIN 9 g_xmltype := XMLTYPE('<root><c1>b</c1></root>'); 10 SELECT c1 11 INTO l_value 12 FROM XMLTable('/root' 13 PASSING i_xml 14 COLUMNS 15 c1 VARCHAR2(10) PATH 'c1'); 16 17 RETURN l_value; 18 END return_col_value; 19 BEGIN 20 g_xmltype := XMLTYPE('<root><c1>a</c1></root>'); 21 dbms_output.put_line(return_col_value(g_xmltype)); 22 END; 23 / b PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
Note that line 9 sets the global variable and the SELECT on line 10 reads from the local IN variable instead. The function returns the value that was set on line 9 instead of what was set on line 20. Had the function not been able to see the assignment on line 9, then the function would have returned "a" as that is what the XML looked like on line 20 when the function was called. This confirms that the XMLType variable was passed by reference, as a by value passing would not have seen the change made on line 9.
You may be thinking, well all that was in the same anonymous block of code so it was easy for Oracle to figure that out and treat it by reference. Following is another example, that would be more common to this situation, where the XMLType variable resides outside the block of code that is the function or block of code calling the function.
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE hold_value 2 IS 3 g_xmltype XMLTYPE; 4 END; 5 / Package created SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION return_col_value(i_xml IN XMLTYPE) 2 RETURN VARCHAR2 3 IS 4 l_value VARCHAR2(10); 5 BEGIN 6 hold_value.g_xmltype := XMLTYPE('<root><c1>b</c1></root>'); 7 SELECT c1 8 INTO l_value 9 FROM XMLTable('/root' 10 PASSING i_xml 11 COLUMNS 12 c1 VARCHAR2(10) PATH 'c1'); 13 14 RETURN l_value; 15 END return_col_value; 16 / Function created SQL> BEGIN 2 hold_value.g_xmltype := XMLTYPE('<root><c1>a</c1></root>'); 3 dbms_output.put_line(return_col_value(hold_value.g_xmltype)); 4 END; 5 / b PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
Same result as before so the change made on line 6 was seen in the SELECT statement and returned by the function, even though the package variable was modified and not the local variable the SELECT statement was using. So as above, Oracle is passing XMLType variables defined as IN by reference instead of by value. This is in agreement with Oracle documention.
One final note. Don't do something like this in production code. This would be called a nasty side-effect and one not obvious unless you look closely at the code.
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