Wednesday, June 30, 2010

XML Parsing with Default Namespaces via PL/SQL

In my previous post I covered parsing of XML where a namespace prefix existed for each namespace. What happens when you have to parse XML where some of the XML is in a default namespace? Make up a namespace prefix. No W3C complaint parser will care about what the prefix is in the XML and the prefix in the XPath is as long as the URI (the stuff within the " quotes) is the same for the node in question. Here is a simple example based off the ongoing example
l_doc VARCHAR2(2000);
l_domdoc dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument;
l_nodelist dbms_xmldom.DOMNodeList;
l_node dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
l_value VARCHAR2(30);
l_a_ns VARCHAR2(30);
l_both_ns VARCHAR2(60);

l_xmltype XMLTYPE;
l_empx XMLTYPE;
l_index PLS_INTEGER;
l_col_ind PLS_INTEGER;
l_doc := '<employees xmlns="" xmlns:b="">

l_a_ns := 'xmlns:a=""'; -- assign random prefix to namespace
-- assigning a different prefix to this namespace
l_both_ns := l_a_ns || ' xmlns:c=""'; -- separated by a space

l_xmltype := XMLTYPE(l_doc);

-- Method 4
dbms_output.put_line('Method 4');
l_value := l_xmltype.extract('/employees/emp[2]/name/text()', 'xmlns=""').getStringVal();
dbms_output.put_line('Emp Name: '||l_value);

-- Method 5
dbms_output.put_line('Method 5');
l_index := 1;
WHILE l_xmltype.Existsnode('/a:employees/a:emp[' || To_Char(l_index) || ']', l_a_ns) > 0
l_empx := l_xmltype.extract('/a:employees/a:emp[' || To_Char(l_index) || ']', l_a_ns);
l_col_ind := 1;
WHILE l_empx.Existsnode('/a:emp/c:favorites/c:color[' || To_Char(l_col_ind) || ']', l_both_ns) > 0
l_value := l_empx.extract('/a:emp/c:favorites/c:color[' || To_Char(l_col_ind) || ']/text()', l_both_ns).getStringVal();
dbms_output.put_line('Color: '||l_value);
l_col_ind := l_col_ind + 1;
l_index := l_index + 1;

In the XML, we have a default namespace of "" for the elements and the previous "" namespace. In the code, I randomly picked a prefix of "a" for the default namespace and so anytime an element in the default namespace is referenced, the corresponding prefix is used.

As Method 4 shows, you could just provide the default namespace as is for the third parm and then there is no need to include a prefix in the XPath itself. I prefer to go the route of method 5 as I have encountered XML where the "default" namespace has changed several nodes deep in the XML. Since the default changes, you need to specify a namespace prefix to keep things in order with the namespace each node resides in.

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